 * SPI.c
 * SPI Interface functions. Written for setting connection between nRF24L01 Single Chip 2.4GHz Transceiver module and MCU
 * Created: 23.04.2022 13:36:45
 *  Author: Bohdan

#include "main.h"
#include <util/delay.h>			// allows usage of _delay_ms_();
#include <stdio.h>				// defines sprintf();

#include "UART_avr.h"
#include "PIN_avr.h"
#include "SPI_nRF.h"
#include "SPI_nRF_Registers.h"

char pr_str[32];  // debug string

extern nRF_t nRF_module;
 * Setting up the SPI Interface for usage in connection between nRF Module and MCU
void SPI_set(uint16_t F_Khz)
		case 4000:  // 4 MHz
		} break;
		case 1000:  // 1 MHz
			SPCR |= (1<<SPR0);
		} break;
		case 250:  // 250 kHz
			SPCR |= (1<<SPR1);
		} break;
		case 125:  // 125 kHz
			SPCR |= (1<<SPR1)|(1<<SPR0);
		} break;
		case 8000:  // 8 MHz
			SPSR |= (1<<SPI2X);
		} break;
		case 2000:  // 2 MHz
			SPSR |= (1<<SPI2X);
			SPCR |= (1<<SPR0);
		} break;
		case 500:  // 500 kHz
			SPSR |= (1<<SPI2X);
			SPCR |= (1<<SPR1);
		} break;
		default: break;  // default value - 4 MHz frequency
	/* Set MOSI and SCK output, all others input */
	DDRB |= (1<<3)|(1<<5);  // MOSI, SCK pin
	/* Enable SPI, Master, set clock rate fck/16 */
	//SPCR |= (1<<SPE)|(1<<DORD)|(1<<MSTR);  // Bits SPI2X SPR1 SPR0 = 0; DORD = 1 - LSB is sent first
	SPCR |= (1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR);  // Bits SPI2X SPR1 SPR0 = 0; DORD = 0 - MSB is sent first

 * Setting up a structure with SPI Settings for nRF (Maybe not needed?) 
 * Setting the SPI Interface
void nRF_setup(nRF_t* nRF, rf_freq _f_kHz, rf_pwr _pwr, rf_mode _mode, pin_t _CE_pin, pin_t _CSN_pin)
	nRF->mode = _mode;
	nRF->F_Khz = _f_kHz;
	nRF->PWR = _pwr;
	//nRF->SS_pin = _CE_pin;
	nRF->CE_pin = _CE_pin;
	nRF->CSN_pin = _CSN_pin;
	/* Setting up the CS and CSN Pins (Levels taken from an example) */
	pin_mode(_CE_pin, OUTPUT);
	pin_mode(_CSN_pin, OUTPUT);
	//pin_write(_CE_pin, LOW); let it be stock mode so far (radio)
	pin_write(_CSN_pin, HIGH);
	_delay_ms(5);  // wait until the radio module sets up
	// Setting RF_SETUP register:
	// Reading the current state of setup register (debugging)
	uint8_t SETUP_REG_old = R_REGISTER(nRF, RF_SETUP_REG);  // reading the status register of nRF Module
	sprintf(pr_str, "Read Setup Reg: %d\n", SETUP_REG_old);
	uint8_t SETUP_REG_new = 0;
	//setting the transfer rate:
		case F_250kbps: SETUP_REG_new |= (1<<RF_DR_LOW); break;
		case F_1Mbps:   SETUP_REG_new |= (1<<RF_DR_HIGH); break;
		case F_2Mbps:    break;
	// setting the power rate:
		case PWR_m18dBm: break;
		case PWR_m12dBm: SETUP_REG_new |= (1<<RF_PWR_LOW); break;
		case PWR_m6dBm:  SETUP_REG_new |= (1<<RF_PWR_HIGH); break;
		case PWR_m0dBm:	 SETUP_REG_new |= (1<<RF_PWR_HIGH)|(1<<RF_PWR_LOW); break;
	sprintf(pr_str, "SETUP_REG_new = %d\n", SETUP_REG_new); // debug purposes
	if(SETUP_REG_old != SETUP_REG_new)						// Overwriting only if it is actually needed 
		sprintf(pr_str, "Writing needed\n"); // debug purposes
		W_REGISTER(nRF, RF_SETUP_REG, SETUP_REG_new);		// writing the created value of the setup register
	sprintf(pr_str, "SETUP_REG now = %d\n", R_REGISTER(nRF, RF_SETUP_REG)); // debug purposes

 * A byte of informations cData is sent, after the  SPIF bit set - the transmission is accomplished and the 
uint8_t SPI_TR_Byte(nRF_t* nRF, uint8_t cData) // Looks more like just reading of a register
	pin_write(nRF->CSN_pin, LOW);
	SPDR = cData;  // Start transmission
	//sprintf(pr_str, "Transferring: %d\n", cData);
	while(!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF)));  // Wait for PREVIOUS transmission to complete
	pin_write(nRF->CSN_pin, HIGH);

void SPI_TR_str(nRF_t* nRF, uint8_t* arr, uint8_t length)
	pin_write(nRF->CSN_pin, LOW);
	for(uint8_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
		SPDR = arr[i];  // Start transmission
		while(!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF)));  // Wait for PREVIOUS transmission to complete
		sprintf(pr_str, "Sent byte %d\n", arr[i]);
	pin_write(nRF->CSN_pin, HIGH);

/************************** Functions from the Table 20, Page 51, Document "nRF24L01P_Product_Specification_1_0.pdf" **************************/

uint8_t R_REGISTER(nRF_t* nRF, uint8_t register_addr)  // R_REGISTER Command from Page 51 of Document "nRF24L01P_Product_Specification_1_0.pdf"
	// Example of information to be transferred: 0b 000A AAAA where AAAAA - Address of the Register to be red
	//uint8_t send_byte = 0b11111111;
	uint8_t return_byte;
	return_byte = SPI_TR_Byte(nRF, register_addr);

void W_REGISTER(nRF_t* nRF, uint8_t register_addr, uint8_t data)  // W_REGISTER Command from Page 51 of Document "nRF24L01P_Product_Specification_1_0.pdf"
	//pin_write(nRF->CSN_pin, LOW);
	/******************* Weird stuff. Trying to go to the power down mode *******************
	sprintf(pr_str, "CONFIG REG = %d\n", CONFIG_OLD);
	uint8_t go_to_PD[2];
	go_to_PD[0] = CONFIG_REG | 0b00100000;
	go_to_PD[1] = CONFIG_OLD &~(1<<PWR_UP);
	sprintf(pr_str, "CONFIG REG NEW = %d\n", go_to_PD[1]);
	SPI_TR_str(nRF, go_to_PD, 2);
	// Example of information to be transferred: 0b 001A AAAA where AAAAA - Address of the Register to be written
	uint8_t comand[2]; // forming an array that will be transferred
	comand[0] = 0b00100000 | register_addr;
	comand[1] = data; 
	sprintf(pr_str, "Writing...\nByte 1: %d\nByte 2: %d\n", comand[0], comand[1]);
	SPI_TR_str(nRF, comand, 2);
	//pin_write(nRF->CSN_pin, HIGH);

void R_RX_PAYLOAD(nRF_t* nRF)  // R_RX_PAYLOAD Command from Page 51 of Document "nRF24L01P_Product_Specification_1_0.pdf"
	uint8_t RX_PAYLOAD_byte = 0b01100001;
	SPI_TR_Byte(nRF, RX_PAYLOAD_byte);

void W_TX_PAYLOAD(nRF_t* nRF)  // W_TX_PAYLOAD Command from Page 51 of Document "nRF24L01P_Product_Specification_1_0.pdf"
	uint8_t WX_PAYLOAD_byte = 0b10100000;
	SPI_TR_Byte(nRF, WX_PAYLOAD_byte);

void FLUSH_TX(nRF_t* nRF)  // FLUSH_TX Command from Page 51 of Document "nRF24L01P_Product_Specification_1_0.pdf"
	uint8_t FLUSH_TX_byte = 0b11100001; 
	SPI_TR_Byte(nRF, FLUSH_TX_byte);

void FLUSH_RX(nRF_t* nRF)  // FLUSH_RX Command from Page 51 of Document "nRF24L01P_Product_Specification_1_0.pdf"
	uint8_t FLUSH_RX_byte = 0b11100010;
	SPI_TR_Byte(nRF, FLUSH_RX_byte);

void REUSE_TX_PL(nRF_t* nRF)  // REUSE_TX_PL Command from Page 51 of Document "nRF24L01P_Product_Specification_1_0.pdf"
	uint8_t REUSE_TX_PL_byte = 0b11100011;
	SPI_TR_Byte(nRF, REUSE_TX_PL_byte);

void R_RX_PL_WID(nRF_t* nRF)  // R_RX_PL_WID Command from Page 51 of Document "nRF24L01P_Product_Specification_1_0.pdf"
	uint8_t R_RX_PL_WID_byte = 0b01100000;
	SPI_TR_Byte(nRF, R_RX_PL_WID_byte);

void W_ACK_PAYLOAD(nRF_t* nRF)  // W_ACK_PAYLOAD Command from Page 51 of Document "nRF24L01P_Product_Specification_1_0.pdf"
	//uint8_t W_ACK_PAYLOAD_byte = 0b10101PPP;
	//SPI_TR_Byte(nRF, W_ACK_PAYLOAD_byte);

void W_TX_PAYLOAD_NOACK(nRF_t* nRF)  // W_TX_PAYLOAD_NOACK Command from Page 51 of Document "nRF24L01P_Product_Specification_1_0.pdf"
	uint8_t W_TX_PAYLOAD_NOACK_byte = 0b10110000;

uint8_t NOP(nRF_t* nRF)  // NOP Command from Page 51 of Document "nRF24L01P_Product_Specification_1_0.pdf"
	uint8_t NOP_byte = 0b11111111;
	uint8_t return_byte;
	return_byte = SPI_TR_Byte(nRF, NOP_byte);